Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remember the Days . . .

. . . when you had to think really hard to come up with concrete examples of media bias? Everyone knew it was there - you could tell from the slant of the stories, the emphasis on certain facts and not others. But when it came right down to it, the smoking gun proved elusive.

That changed over recent years, especially with the 2008 election thanks in part to the chananigans of MSNBC, who eventually replaced two of its pro-Obama commentators because the "reporting" got so bad. It was like listening to a bunch of frat boys from an Ivy League chapter of "Young Democrats." The AP couldn't say it any better: "Olbermann began to have difficulty keeping his opinions in check, or simply stopped trying."

MSNBC is at it again. Just as Gov. Jindal was walking towards the podium to give the Republican response to Pres. Obama's speech, someone from MSNBC muttered on-air the words "Oh, God."
You can hear the resulting laughter from others in the studio. Apparently, the thought of disagreeing with President Obama provokes a measure of disdain and mirth from that particular network. (Or maybe it was a prayer to President Obama asking forgiveness for having to present an alternative viewpoint.)

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